The time was Summer 1997...
This impromptu hike was the only one I ever led where I did not bring a camera.

I drew this picture of my buddy Conrad years ago
Conrad and I had been hiking quite a lot, had hiked the Lehigh Gorge in PA one day, Glen
Onoko another, Mt Tammany in NJ, and Mt Minsi another.
Conrad and I decided to try the Portland to Washington hike and see how fast we could
do it. It was a blistering hot day, much more uncomfortable than anticipated.
When we reached Buttsville, we opted to walk Route 31 south to cut off some distance,
taking a rest under the shaded porch of “Jack’s Barn” in Buttsville. Conrad still refers to it
as “Jack’s Blessed Shade”. It’s hard to remember anything of significance, as we were
moving far too fast to do much. We did not walk through the Oxford Tunnel this time,
Conrad does’nt like getting his feet wet.
We reached Washington exactly five hours and thirty minutes from when we were
dropped off in Colombia. Good timing I suppose!
“It was so hot that day....we had to take a break. I think we stopped in one of those school
bus stop things to get in the shade.” -Conrad
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