Hike #395 1/18/9

On the train in Jersey City
1/18/9 Jersey City/Bayonne with Jillane Becker, Shelly Janes, Kyle Zalinsky, Al MacLennan, Craig Nunn, "Amish Paul" Hassler, and Matt Davis.

View toward the Verrazzano Narrows

Diner stup near Liberty SP

This gives away which diner it was

Statue of Liberty from Hudson Waterfront Walkway
<Photo 9>

I love this picture. A blocked section of Hudson River Waterfront Walkway, south side of Liberty State Park

View from HR Waterfront Walkway

Looking towad NY
<Photo 13>

Hudson River Waterfront Walkway south of Liberty State Park

View of the Statue of Liberty

Bay view
<Photo 17>

Hudson River Waterfront Walkway south of Liberty SP

Hudson River Waterfront Walkway in an inlet at the Liberte Village

Awesome spot in Jersey City that reminded me of Venice, Liberte Village
<Photo 21>

Liberte Village reminds of Venice

Our walkway in Liberte Village

Entering Bayonne
<Photo 25>

Verrazanno Narrows Bridge from Hudson River Waterfront Walkway

Along Hudson River Waterfront Walkway, northern Bayonne

View from Hudson River Waterfront Walkway at the golf courses
<Photo 29>

Hudson River Waterfront Walkway

Interesting vine covered building in Bayonne

Tracks in Bayonne
<Photo 33>

Interesting way to make use of a road sing...Bayonne

Bayonne Bridge

Bayonne Bridge
<Photo 37>

Bayonne Bridge

Playground near Bayonne Bridge

<Photo 41>


Makeshift puppets in Bayonne

Finding treasures in Bayonne
<Photo 45>

Railroad I walked in Bayonne


Goethels Bridge from Bayonne NJ
<Photo 49>

Walkway in Bayonne

Walkway along Newark Bay with Goethels Bridge in view, Bayonne NJ

Liberty State Park
Unfortunitely the original journal entry for this one was lost to the fire as well. If anyone has a copy please let me know!!!
Starting in Liberty State Park at Black Tom where where we'd finished the Liberty-Water Gap Trail series, we planned on hiking the Hudson Waterfront south to the tip of Bayonne, then a lot of the west side of the Peninsula on the way back to the north.
We walked to the west away from Black Tom and stopped at a little diner for breakfast, then checked out a nice stair case and building that must have been built for a golf course or something. The Hudson River Waterfront Walkway continued around the building and hugged the waterfront tightly. It was really nicely done, but for some reason it was closed off a short distance ahead. Despite the gates, we were able to squeeze around it pretty well.
This trail was excellent and took us to a short side trail that went into some of the tidal wetlands. There were some great views of the bay and the Statue of Liberty from this area. We were soon in a parking area along the waterfront in a little developement it seemed.
Soon, a pavilian appeared across from the parking lot back on the waterfront. A pathway along the water continued from here. I was amazed to see where it led us next, to an area that looked like a modern day Venice, with waterways between high buildings in a place called Port Liberte.
We walked somewhat inland because there was no way across, then took the access road back inland. The Hudson River Waterfront Walkway was missing a section ahead. We continued to make our way south from here. We cut across a small ball field at the end of the road and I got to a fence that had no way through. I still can't believe I was able to squeeze through it. I also remember stopping to climb on some vines for a bit that went up a building but I fell off.
There was a section of the "completed" Hudson River Waterfront Walkway that looked like it was back under construction again just below the Bayonne border. We tried to convince the security guy to let us walk in, bu he told us we'd have to drive in. Craig told us there was a nice 9-11 memorial there.
We took a small park greenway somewhere in here, and soon entered Bayonne. The next section we got to was by the Super Stop and Shop next to a big golf club. Jillane and I went in while the others had some food at a fast food place nearby. We met up here with Jillane's cousin Melissa and her fiance here. It was my first time meeting anyone in her family. After chatting a bit we moved on, rejoined the others, and walked a section of the waterfront walkway beyond the store and out a ways next to another golf course. Unfortunitely this section ended abruptly, and from what I'm told may never be continued. We had to walk all the way back and around this section.
We had to do a lot of road walking heading south. Fortunitely at the south end we had a nice section to walk. We had a fantastic view of the Bayonne Bridge from this section. We were able to move on along the waterfront and below the bridge, then had to headed north along some streets. Here, we found some interesting junk like christmas light things Jillane and Shelly wore like puppets. We also found some junk food, I think it was Animal Crackers that were unopened, so I ate most of them.
We got into a couple of city parks facing the western waterfront but this section was mostly road walking. I walked a section of railroad tracks for a bit while the others stayed on a road, and we accessed the waterfront once more from behind another grocery store just after that. I remember making our way up to a dead end street and then cutting back across part of Jersey City to the east side again. This hike involved so much back and forth along the waterfront that we decided at this late hour to hop a train a station stop to get to Liberty State Park again. We ended up getting off around Liberty Science Center and had to wander across Liberty State Park again anyway, which was just about the same distance it would have been anyway. We got sort of lost as well trying to figure out which road to take to make it the most direct route back.
I actually can't remember exactly how we did it!

Fun times.

Steps near a golf course

Hudson River Waterfront Walkway south of Liberty State Park

View across the bay

Hudson River Waterfront Walkway in Liberte Village, Jersey City

Hudson River Waterfront Walkway in northern Bayonne near the golf course

Hudson River Waterfront Walkway view at the golf courses

Bayonne NJ

Hudson River Waterfront Walkway on the south end of Bayonne


Railroad tracks in Bayonne

Bayonne NJ walkway along Newark Bay
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