Hike #427 7/26/9
7/26/9 Pocono Rim; Toms Creek-Pocono Environmental Education Center loop with Kyle Zalinsky, Shelly Janes, Amanda Rosenblatt, Jim "Mr. Buckett" Mathews, "Commando Tom" Petrucci, Laura Cunningham, "Amish Paul" Hassler, Kevin Zalinsky, Dana Janes, and "DJ Ray" Cordts

The group at Egypt Mills Lake along abandoned Big Egypt Road
This was an amazing hike to look back on. Off trail explorations through stream valleys in search of waterfalls to climb, plenty of swimming, diversified route...it had almost everything I love in a hike. It was also really cool to meet Kyle's brother Kevin who handled his first time out with us very well considering the intensity of some of the terrain!
My next hike would be the next section of the Pocono Rim, beginning where we left off previously at the Tom's Creek area. Joining me this time would be Shelly Janes, Kyle Zalinsky, Dana Janes, Amanda Rosenblatt, Jim "Mr. Buckett" Mathews, "Commando Tom" Petrucci, Laura Cunningham, "Amish Paul" Hassler, Kyle's brother Kevin Zalinsky, and "DJ Ray" Cordts. We began at the Tom's Creek Picnic area (0a-0b) and followed the unmarked trail into the glen (0c,0d) and then took the side trail along the smaller creek to the right to reach the series of waterfalls which we made our way up. Kyle and I climbed up most of them while the others went around (0e-6c). It was really tough at times to climb up. Once we reached the top of the last falls we turnd onto the abandoned Big Egypt Road and followed it north to a pond (6d-6h). We continued on along Big Egypt Road through wetlands (6i-6p) out to the next paved road, and the bugs were so bad I pulled my arms into my shirt. We turned right and then turned right again onto a gravel road that led to Sunny Hill Lake, also known as Stuckey Pond, where we went for a nice swim (6q-6x). It drizzled a little bit, but it was nice. We continued on from here following the tributary that flowed out of Stuckey Pond, partially using an old parallel woods road, but much of the time bushwhacking along the creek looking at small cascades (6y-16). The creek went into a much deeper canyon and we stayed further up top for a while as fields came into view. We bushwhacked out to a dirt road which was probably Rt 209's predescessor, and had a house down one end and abandoned barns on the other (17-21a). We walked along Rt 209 only a short distance and came to the small pull off parking for Tumbling Waters, a section of unmarked trail that has'nt appeared on the Kittatinny Trails maps since the 1988 edition. We followed it into the woods and first checked out a cellar ruin (21b-21e) and then continued on, passing another stone ruin on the left, and then reaching the first waterfall. We all took a very long break here to take a dip. Kyle and I were first to brave climbing the falls, followed by DJ Ray and then others.

In the Lower Indian Ladders
There was even a little room behind the falls you could put your head without getting under (21f-43). After this long break mucking about, we made our way up to two more falls, these ones with official spur trail access from Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC). We swam some more, and Kyle and I jumped off some rocks into the lower falls (44-47r).

At Pocono Outdoor Education Center

Mother and daughter cute shot
We took the spur trail from here heading up (48). We took Tumbling Waters Trail heading west for a bit, then north heading through woods, and then another trail to what appeared to be an evergreen plantation (49-49b). We soon passed a pond (50) and then headed through more pines in an area looking more like west coast than PA (51-51a) till we reached PEEC. The first building was lined with old tires (51b,51d)! When we reached the visitor's center, Kyle just waltzed in and got himself some coffee, as well as a name tag which was meant for the campers as part of the programs they had running (51e-51h). We continued walking from here, and Kyle continued acting like a nut. As some girls walked by he yelled "ARE YOU READY TO ROCK GIRLS???" to which they all hooted and hollared (51i). We also checked out a rock thing made for lovers to hold hands in, and I'd wished Jillane were with me. Kyle and Amanda posed with it (51j-51n). We continued from here onto Tumbling Waters Trail, heading back toward the falls in the opposite direction of the loop (51o-51q). When we reached the road access to PEEC, we followed it down hill. I took a side trip into a small gorge and found another hidden waterfall (52). Amish Paul and I also took a side trip off the road to find a couple off trail viewpoints (53-56). When we reached the bottom we could see the old route of Rt 209 crossing the road, and there was even an older bridge on it (57). Next, we turned briefly left onto 209 to reach an access point with the incomplete McDade Trail which was not open at this point yet. Still, we followed it and it was quite nice (58-60c). It took us out to an access road to the river, where we met a ranger (60d) who fortunitely did'nt give us a hard time for being on the closed trail section. He even directed us on how to continue! We had to cross over a couple steams along the way because no bridges were in place yet, but it was'nt a problem. The worst part was when we reached where no trail at all had been built yet. Still, we made our way though the fields and it was only for short distances (60e-63). At the next river access point (I forget the boat launch name if that's what it was) we stopped to take a swim (64-64d). We then made our way back to McDade Trail and continued (64e-66) back to Tom's Creek on pretty clear path to finish yet another fantastic hike (67-70). We had dinner at the pizza place we went to the previous time again.

At some of the Lower Indian Ladders, Hornbecks Creek PA

The group at Egypt Mills Lake along abandoned Big Egypt Road

In the Lower Indian Ladders

At Pocono Outdoor Education Center

At some of the Lower Indian Ladders, Hornbecks Creek PA

Mother and daughter cute shot
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