Hike #439 9/4-9/5/9

Sword fighting with bread in a Newtown Supermarket
9/4 and 9/5/9 Holland/Newtown Loop with Wyatt Hassler and "Commando Tom" Petrucci.

Old barn in the development Wyatt lived in

Mill creek near wyatt's house

Mill creek preserve, Holland PA

Former Pennsylvania Railroad, Holland PA

Former Pennsylvania Railroad

Neshaminy Creek view from the former Pennsylvania Railroad bridge

Former Pennsylvania RR bridge from Playwicki Park

Former Pennsylvania Railroad bridge from Playwicki Park

Playwicki Park

On a tree in Playwicki Park

Former Pennsylvania Railroad trestle from Playwicki Park

Neshaminy Creek in Playwicki Park

Along the Neshaminy Creek

Bridgetown Mill House

Old railroad trestle over the Neshaminy near Newtown P A

Neshaminy Trestle

Neshaminy Trestle

Full moon over Newtown PA

Goofing off in a Newtown supermarket

Marking a big ass sandwich

"eh, uh...you wanna...big ass sanwich?"

Wyatt dry heaving into the water fountain in a Newtown PA supermarket

Tyler State Park

Tyler State Park

Full moon over Tyler State Park

Wyatt after running through an insane mess of brambles in Tyler State Park to evade a stationary lamp post.
This hike would be yet another spur of the moment deal starting after work on a Friday, this time in Holland PA beginning at Wyatt Hassler's house to connect with the previous hike we did from Bristol to Holland in October of 2007. We started walking through Wyatt's developement down his street passing an old barn that was left up when the area was being developed (1), then we cut into a piece of land along the Mill Creek, sort of bushwhacking down along it on a vague path. We tried following along the creek, but it was too tough so we just walked in it (2,3). It led us out through what I think said "Heritage Conservancy" or something, then out to the road where we'd walked back in Oct 2007. We backtracked this same hike along the abandoned branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad I think it was (4,5) and crossed over a viaduct over the Neshaminy Creek (6), then descended into Playwicki Park where there were good views of the viaduct and interesting looking trees (7-12). We walked along the Neshaminy Creek through the developed part of the park which gave way to the undeveloped trails along the creek. It was really nice and easy to follow for a while, but it got continueously tougher. We had to jump over some tributaries at one point (13). Eventually, the Neshaminy just got too tough to follow and was sorrounded mostly by private land (14), so we made our way up and through private property to Rt 413 and headed north. I was taking note of signs and such for nearby places for future hikes such as Core Creek Park. We continued walking and saw an old mill (15) and then cut through some school property to a path leading into a developement that I think was on Albert's Way where we met some of Wyatt's friends. We could'nt get them to join us, so we went off to what was called the George School I think and walked back along the Neshaminy there, skipping the part between using roads. Wyatt showed me an awesome abandoned railroad trestle from a spur line that went into Newtown, and we climbed up on the pier and jumped off which was great (16-19). We were quit cold afterwards though. We cut up from the creek into the place where Wyatt was working, as some sort of a food prep person for old people, then made our way back to Rt 413. We walked north from here north and then cut through a developement to what I think was a Giant supermarked where we met up with "Commando Tom" Petrucci. The three of us went into Giant and walked around looking for food. Wyatt insisted we get chicken and rolls to make "Big Ass Sandwiches", making fun of it using a deep frat bro voice.
We wandered the store for a while acting like lunatics (20,21). We made our "Big Ass Sandwiches" outside and ate them hurriedly (22,23). We then wandered through Newtown, which was full of young people hanging out at street corners and in small coffee shops. We all screamed like idiots and ran through the center of town, and then stopped into another grocery store, don't remember which one, and Wyatt flipped out and threw ice cream into a refrigerator when I refused to buy it for him, land pretended to dry heave into a water fountain (24). There was also a clerk talking in a high pitched voice we got a kick out of. We walked through some parking lots, and pushed some carts around. Some kids were taunting us and shouting out, to which we answered with goofy crap, and we walked on to the main entrance to Tyler State Park by way of the Newtown Bypass. It's illegal to be in Tyler State Park after dark, but we figured we could get away with it. We wandered into the entrance and then bushwhackd through the first field to the left. We ended up back on the main park entrance road near a house that Tom was sure was vacant. We ended up walking along a long paved trail, which took us to a weird course with tires you could climb on, so of course we did (26). The moon was shining bright so we had a lot of light (27). The three of us continued on along the paved paths, and made a left along the way to parallel the Neshaminy Creek heading downstream. We went off trail at one point heading steeply down hill to where we could see a dam on the creek with a near shape. It was too dark for a picture. From there, we continued along the trails, and crossed over a small tributary to reach Newtown Richboro Road/Rt 332. We crossed the Neshaminy on that and then got onto trails on the opposite side heading through fields and then woods. We went to make a left turn at one point heading up hill, but we came to a light which we at first throught was a flash light (rangers live on the property and watch that there is no one there at night) and we took off running. Tom and I made it back down to the trail we'd turned off of and hid behind a small tributary bridge, but Wyatt dashed off into the briars like crazy. We yelled for him to follow us, but he did'nt. After Tom and I waited for a while we tried walking back up the trail to see that it was actually only a light on a barn or something that we saw, and called for Wyatt to come back out. He was all cut up when he finally made it back out to a regular trail (28)! We continued on trails and had to cut out to Rt 332 again because we got too close to a ranger's house. We tried going back into the park, but we would have had to go right by another house, so we returned to Rt 332 again by walking through a field. We could'nt get back into Tyler State Park on the other side of the nearby golf course any way we could see, so we opted to just walk roads from here. We must have followed Rt 332 into Richboro and turned left, maybe onto the Bustleton Pike or something, and somehow walked roads all the way back to Wyatt's house on Lakeview Drive in Holland. It was quite a distance, but we had a good time.+

Old barn in the development Wyatt lived in

Mill creek near wyatt's house

Mill creek preserve, Holland PA

Former Pennsylvania Railroad, Holland PA

Former Pennsylvania Railroad

Neshaminy Creek view from the former Pennsylvania Railroad bridge

Former Pennsylvania RR bridge from Playwicki Park

Former Pennsylvania Railroad bridge from Playwicki Park

Playwicki Park

On a tree in Playwicki Park

Former Pennsylvania Railroad trestle from Playwicki Park

Neshaminy Creek in Playwicki Park

Along the Neshaminy Creek

Bridgetown Mill House

Old railroad trestle over the Neshaminy near Newtown P A

Neshaminy Trestle

Neshaminy Trestle

Full moon over Newtown PA

Sword fighting with bread in a Newtown Supermarket

Goofing off in a Newtown supermarket

Marking a big ass sandwich

"eh, uh...you wanna...big ass sanwich?"

Wyatt dry heaving into the water fountain in a Newtown PA supermarket

Tyler State Park

Tyler State Park

Full moon over Tyler State Park

Wyatt after running through an insane mess of brambles in Tyler State Park to evade a stationary lamp post.
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