Hike #421 6/14/9
6/14/9 Bushkill/Pocono Rim Northbound with Kyle Zalinsky, Amanda Rosanblatt, DJ Ray Cordts, Laura Cunningham, Jude Shabrach, Chris Kroschinski, Al MacLennan, Shep Glennon, Eric Pace, Jason Itell, "Commando Tom" Petrucci, "Amish Paul" Hassler, Jim "Mr. Buckett" Mathews, and Larry Butler.

Group shot along McDade Trail
This was another great hike keeping with the energy of the Summer. It was on this one we were first joined by our new friend Shep Glennon, and we had the excitement of seeing great waterfalls, off trail viewpoints, and plenty of swimming! We also met new friends Brad and Jalayne at the end who would join hikes later. I was definitely starting to feel better.

Abandoned house in Bushkill PA

Heading up the Pocono Rim from Bushkill PA

On the Pocono Rim

Bushwhacking the Pocono Rim

Abandoned early road, predescessor to Rt 209

Abandoned predescessor to Rt 209

Obscured view from the Pocono Rim

On the Pocono Rim

On the Pocono Rim, naturally growing prickly pear cactus

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Off trail view along the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Descending the Pocono Rim north of Bushkill

Amish Paul on Pocono Rim

Along the Pocono Rim, abandoned cemetery

Abandoned cemetery

Abandoned cemetery

Abandoned cemetery

Abandoned cemetery

Road along Abandoned cemetery

Field along Rt 209

Along old Rt 209

Along Toms Creek

Along Toms Creek

Along Toms Creek

Along Toms Creek

Along Toms Creek, old dam site

Along Toms Creek goofing off

Along Toms Creek

Washout along Toms Creek

Kyle climbing the washout along Toms Creek

Along Toms Creek

Along Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Along a Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Injured knee from climbing falls

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Falls along a Toms Creek tributary

Abandoned Big Egypt Road

Fields along McDade Trail near Toms Creek

Fields along McDade Trail, near Toms Creek

McDade Trail

Big tree along McDade Trail, Amanda running to hug it

Boat launch near Bushkill along McDade Trail

Boat launch near Bushkill

Boat launch near Bushkill

Boat launch near Bushkill

McDade Trail just south of Bushkill

Laura demonstrates cartwheels on the white line!

McDade Trail south of Bushkill

McDade Trail south of Bushkill

McDade Trail south of Bushkill

Abandoned in Bushkill PA

Finishing up at Bushkill

Finishing up at Bushkill...WITH A HAPPY BAG!

Finishing up at Bushkill

Finishing up at Bushkill

Finishing up at Bushkill

Driving out to a pizza place

Pizza place near Bushkill

Pizza place near Bushkill
My next hike would take my group out to the next piece of the Pocono Rim, a series of outcropping slate covered rock ledges which make up the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River in Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Joining me this time would be Kyle Zalinsky, Amanda Rosenblatt, Shelly Janes, Chris Kroschinski, Laura Cunningham, Jude Shabrach, "Commando Tom" Petrucci, Jason Itell, "DJ Ray" Cordts, Al MacLennan, Jim "Mr. Buckett" Mathews, Larry Butler, Eric Pace, and newcomer Shep Glennon whom I'd met while working in Hunterdon Parks. We started at the park office in Bushkill PA and walked directly across the street to the old general store, and behind it to the former platform of the Delaware Valley Railroad's Bushkill Station (abandoned 1938). Jude had recently led a hike in the area and was able to direct us along a bit. We passed a vacant old house (1,1a) and then headed up passing an abandoned school house and entered the woods ascending (1b-4). We went pretty steeply up for quite a while, and then found our way to an old woods road leading down to yet another old paved road. Here, Chris had not joined yet and was able to locate us, meeting us at the end point of this road (5-6).
Here, the road ended at a currently active road, name uncertain (first one past Bushkill) and then we ascended the hillside steeply on the opposite leading to some dramatic viewpoints over the Delaware and NJ (7-20). There were even Prickly Pear Cactus up there. We followed the rim and then turned left to ascend a secondary ridge, leading to one more brief viewpoint, then headed down hill once again using some woods roads and deer paths (21).
After regrouping along Rt 209 (22), we walked along it very briefly and then entered what looked to be a quarried area at one time. We wandered through and then up hill to the right, to a long abandoned old cemetary (23-31). We continued to follow the abandoned road that went behind the cemetary (32) till it ended, then we made our way back out again to Rt 209. Here, 209 and old 209, a slightly smaller road, split. We followed old 209 to the left. Kyle and I ran hysterically through the fields like idiots (33). We continued on old 209 (34) till we reached Tom's Creek picnic area were we sat along the creek and admired the ruins of dams and the nice woods and shade (35-40).
Eric joined us here. Soon, we began hiking Toms Creek Trail up stream and in order to continue we had to wade across (41). It was not necessary as we were coming back, so I gave people the option. Many of us went over, but contrary to my memory there was no waterfall. I ended up following the creek all the way till I found houses and turned back. We did have some fun climbing around on branches and such (42-43aaa). Once we reunited with the rest of the group, we started heading up a side trail along a smaller tributary to Toms Creek, which proved to be much more rewarding than the previous one with several waterfalls! Most of the group all went up along a rough trail leading to an abandoned road, but I opted to climb all of the waterfalls except for the last one (44-65). I somehow managed to bash my knee open yet again on this one. I'd been having bad luck with that this year. Al decided to walk back to his car on the highway because the group was splitting up too much. Al opted to turn back at this point, and I can't blame him, it was getting to be a mess. The rest of us continued down the abandoned road back to Old 209, and then we found another abandoned road leading out to the current route of 209. I gathered everyone together and we followed this to 209 where we picked up a trail head for the McDade Trail, which the rangers told me earlier was not even there yet!
We followed this very easily along the edges of fields and through woods (66-72). Amanda reminded me of Jillane when she went to hug a giant tree (73). We made a stop along the way at the Bushkill boat access place to do some swimming. We decided to see who could swim up stream without stopping for the longest, and of course Laura won because she swims often (73a-76).
We soon were on our way back along the trail (77,77a) and Laura showed us how she can do cartwheels down the white line of the road (78)! We continued down the McDade Trail (79-80) until we got back to the cars at Bushkill coming out by the old General Store (80a-88). We all went out together for dinner at a nice pizza place nearby (89-91) which was fantastic, and a perfect way to end such a great day! We also met here Brad Beasic and Jalayne Reed who would join us in the near future. I was blown away to meet another girl with that name, despite the very different spelling! Overall a great day!

Group shot along McDade Trail
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