Hike #443 9/13/9
9/13/9 Seaside Heights and Island Beach State Park with Jim "Mr. Buckett" Mathews, "Major Tom" Conroy, "DJ Ray" Cordts, Steve Rogers, Christian Davido, Jeannie Amon,

The group in Island Beach State Park
This hike truly marked the end of the Summer. Things were about to change yet again. I'd faced so many changes in the previous year. I was upset dealing with my previous relationship, I fell in love with Jillane and broke up with Cathy, Jillane moved in with me, then headed out to Utah and I had a crazy Summer.
By this time I was stronger and more independent than I'd been in what seemed like forever. I was feeling strong and free, and I didn't need anyone. It felt like I was in High School or College again, and I was getting propositioned by so many girls I couldn't believe it was real. Kyle had leaked the information that Jillane was flying home to surprise me the day after this hike, but I was frustrated with her and at one point felt I was ready to break up with her. My thoughts went to how much different the Summer would have been had she not gone to Utah and the experiences I would not have had.
The truth was, although the Summer would have been different, and certainly would have been less crazy when it came to the all nighters and spontaneous craziness, had Jillane stayed it would have been more fulfilling for me. We might have been able to work through things earlier rather than later and built a closer bond much more quickly.
I was ready to just ignore her, but when I reluctantly answered the next time she called me I was sure that I not only wanted her back, but that I loved her more than I'd ever loved anyone and I didn't want to find out what my life would be like without her any longer. Despite anything that angered, frustrated,or upset me, she was worth my forgiveness because of her our great potential together. I knew she was more open with me than she'd ever been with anyone, and she's continued to prove to me that sticking with her was the right choice.
I have no regrets from this crazy Summer. Maybe Jillane and I needed the time apart to realize that there was no one else we really wanted. Regardless, we'd be together again soon, and during this hike I was preoccupied with thoughts of our reunion.

At the beach party the night prior
My next hike would be the next beach hike in that series. This one would be a two day event starting the night before camping out on the beach in Seaside Park at a party called Kozfest by friends of Carol and Rob Creamer. I drove with them from the previous hike that night to the party on the south side of town. It was weird to have a party right on the beach with a fire and so much drinking, let alone camping because it's all supposed to be illegal in NJ. Still, it was a fun time (1-11).

Beach party, Seaside Park
Jeannie Amon showed up for a while, but she left without camping out with us, supposedly because Carol was getting so sick from drinking. I woke up next to the fire in the morning, and everyone but Carol, Rob, and I had left(12)! We packed up our stuff and I helped Carol get her stuff to their car and waited for the rest of my group to show up which included "DJ Ray" Cordts, Jim "Mr. Buckett" Mathews,Eric Pace, and "Major Tom" Conroy. The five of us made our way back onto the beach to find that some of the partiers had returned (I saw two others sleeping in their cars), and they gave us a few beers.

Hikers at Seaside Heights
We continued hiking north into Seaside Heights (13,14) where we made our way up onto the boardwalk and DJ Ray and Maj. Tom bought me a sandwich (15-18). DJ Ray also played "Dance Dance Revolution" at an arcade. At the end of the boardwalk on Heiring Ave, we turned inland and headed over to the intercoastal waterway and walked beaches and such as close as we could get to the Barnagat Bay southbound (19-22). We had to walk roads, sand, and little pieces of boardwalk, and then had to go to Central Ave after we reached 25th Ave because there was no way of walking the bay side. Eric turned back to his car when we got to the end of Seaside Park. We walked south and entered Island Beach State Park. I followed a side trail briefly which took me out to the bay side for a view (23-26). We continued south on Central Ave (27) passing by the dunes and I took a jog along a short dune trail loop (28,29). We soon reached the park office where there was some sort of festival going on (I forget what it was called) and we walked around talking to people and getting info. I spun a prize wheel and won a free ocean county map! We took a good swim in the ocean for a while, which was cold but good. Soon, we were joined by Steve Rogers and Christian ?. Steve brought his camera and was doing a bit of filming for some of his projects and we had some nice conversations as we all walked back north to Seaside Heights. Along the way we found the largest horseshoe crab and starfish I'd ever seen (30-39). We took a break where we'd had our fire the night before as well, and we were rejoined by Eric Pace(40). We all went to dinner at a pizza place in Seaside Heights to finish a great day (41).

Largest Horseshoe Crab I've ever seen
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