Hike #446 9/27/9
9/27/9 Green Lane PA with "Amish Paul" Hassler and Eric Pace

Amish Paul along Green Lane Resevoir's east side, PA
I couldn't believe on such a good weekend only two participants showed up for a really nice sounding hike. In addition, Jillane didn't come along so I felt a bit more hurried to get back home to her...but it was still a great area, and one I wanted to return to for further exploration.

Me along the perimeter of Green Lane Resevoir

Green Lane PA, Perkiomen Creek

Old rail trestle in Green Lane PA

Perkiomen Trail, Green Lane Park

Green Lane Park, southwest side

View in Green Lane Park

Green Lane Park

Green Lane Reservoir

Green Lane Reservoir

Green Lane Park

Trail in Green Lane Park

Green Lane Reservoir

Trail in Green Lane Reservoir, west side

Green Lane Reservoir

Green Lane Reservoir

Green Lane Reservoir

Green Lane Reservoir

Green Lane Reservoir along Knight Road

Green Lane Reservoir from the trails on the east side

Green Lane Reservoir from the northeast side

Trails on the northeast side of Green Lane Park

Green Lane Reservoir from the northeast side of the park

New section of trail under construction parallel with Rt 29

New trail construction parallel with Rt 29

Dam at Green Lane Reservoir

Dam at Green Lane Reservoir

New trail construction near Green lane

New trail construction at Green Lane

New trail underpass along Perkiomen Creek near Green Lane
My next hike would be a loop around most of Green Lane Resevoir in Montgomery County PA. I'd been wanting to do this since hiking the Perkiomen Trail prior to this, and now was ready for it. Only "Amish Paul" Hassler and Eric Pace showed up this time. We started at the parking area on Park Road at Green Lane and walked the pathways to the west (1) then crossed the road up hill and onto a trail through the woods passing a large fallen tree (2). We continued on the trail which took us past a horse stable area and a nice view over Green Lane Resevoir (3). We walked past the parking lot to another trailhead across Niantic Road or something I guess it must have been. We headed out along the edge of Green Lane Resevoir after that on a trail high above the water's edge, but close to Niantic Road (4). Eric cut out and decided to turn back to his car, and Paul and I continued on. The trail took us across an access road and then down along the shore line. It split somewhere and I lost Paul for a bit, then he found me (5-14). The trail continued on. Much of the time there was an upper and lower trail, one along the waterfront and another further to the west up hill. We stayed on the lower one, and even though the map said it did'nt go through, we made it all the way through to Knight Road (15). Eric met back up with us here, but he opted not to walk any more and leave. Paul and I continued up Ward Road briefly and found an unmarked trail along one of the inlets to the resevoir. There was what appeared to be one abandoned building but we were'nt sure. It led us to Layfield Road, which we turned right on and led us back to Knight Road (16-21). We crossed the resevoir on the Knight Road bridge (21) and then found another trail head on the other side. We turned left onto this and planned on doing an out and back. We followed the trail which had all sorts of twists and turns not shown on my Green Lane map. It took us on a high hillside, down along the water, along the edge of someone's yard, and then out to where it seemed to dead end. We saw some horseback riders but they did'nt know where it was supposed to go, so we ended up bushwhacking and looking around. We came out to a driveway and came out on Markley Road. Paul rode his bike down the road and I ran as fast as I could to where a trail was supposed to cross, but we missed it. We ended up back on Knight Road and followed it with parallel trail to a side one to the northeast where we were supposed to be (22-24). The trail led us up along the fields, then across Knight Road again and closer to the resevoir, then back across where there was a view (26). We continued to a parking area where horse trailers were accomodated, then continued on more trails which led to the park office where I got another map and really no other good information. I helped a group of bikers with information on how to get to the pavilian areas, but that was pretty much all that happened here. We wandered through the property here, heading back out toward Rt 29, but turned right at the last minute following a recently cut area (26). I assumed it was either a new entrance road or a new connector trail. The latter was probably true because as we continued on, this wide path became much like a service road but with the aesthetics of trail fencing, all under construction in view of Green Lane dam (27-31). I was sure it was a connector trail when I found a new trail underpass below the road I turned in on to get to the parking area in the morning. This new trail continued on to connect with the Perkiomen Trail where I'd followed it before (32). Paul went ahead to the cars. I followed the Perkiomen Trail by myself quickly across the Perkiomen Creek (33) along the railroad bed until it turned away and went across an abandoned trestle (34). I tried to get onto it, but it was terribly overgrown. I soon caught up with Amish Paul in his car, and we shared some gin before I headed home.

Amish Paul along Green Lane Resevoir's east side, PA

Me along the perimeter of Green Lane Resevoir
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