Hike #470 2/20/10

The group in Hartshorne Woods
My next hike would in part be some repeating of past hikes, but also some new stuff I'd been interesting in exploring. I decided to post this hike because my friend Steve Rogers, of Driving Jersey notoriety was having a party that night which the hike could end at. So in the morning I met my posse in Red Bank NJ, at a parking lot on the south side of White Street. We then carpooled as few cars as possible to Highlands NJ at a parking area along Shore Drive. Joining me were Amanda Rosenblatt, "Major Tom" Conroy, "Connecticut Joe" Bukowski, Bernie Lieberman, Al MacLennan, Jack Lowry, Susan Dawson, and "DJ Ray" Cordts who was running a little late and had to park his car a couple blocks from where we started walking (0b-0ca)!
We headed to the bridge where Rt 36 crossed the Shrewsbury River, only to see that it was almost completely gone and a new bridge replaced it high above, a second structure apparently for opposing traffic under way! I'd remember taking pictures of it years before while it was lifting because I was told this historic structure would'nt be there much longer. Now I'm so glad I did. And on this date I got pictures of them tearing it down. DJ Ray met us underneath the bridges (1-5). From here, we headed up Highland Ave (6) to Lighthouse Road and ascended to the Twin Lights with fantastic views of NYC, Sandy Hook, and the bays. Unfortunitely the lighthouse was closed due to ice so we just had to take in the view below and check out the museum (7-12).

Inside the Twin Lights museum, Atlantic Highlands NJ
We continued to the south along ball fields (12a-12b) to Hilltop Terrace and then down to the hill to the Hartshorne Woods parking lot off of Portland Road. We walked a short distance through Battery Lewis, a gun emplacement of the past. I was able to squeeze in through some of the metal a bit, but there was very little to see (12ba-14a). I also went to the top of it to get the view (14aa-15ab). We looped around the outside of the Battery and then through another tunnel in it (15ac-16) and then took one of the trails heading west.

Giant tree in Hartshorne Woods
Major Tom told us that this was one of the biggest places for tree diversity around, and I did'nt remember noticing before, but he was right as I began to pick out all of the different species as well as the very large and strangely shaped trees. One had even fallen but had new vertical branches coming off of it, perfectly healthy (17-22, 24-25aa). We had a good time wandering and singing along to Jack's new carbon fiber guitar he was carrying, and we checked out a cabin along the way briefly (23-23ac).
There was at one point a side trail that said it led to an overlook over the Navesink, but it was'nt much of anything, even without leaves on the trees (26,26aa). we continued on a short distance and were soon joined by Chris "Cupcake" Kroschinski, who came running down a crazy snowy embankment to join us. As it turned out, the trail made a crazy sharp turn which he had skipped. He ended up having to backtrack with us for a bit.
We soon cut to Hartshorne Road and turned right for a bit. Eric Pace joined us late at this point, after parking his car at the nearby A&P in Atlantic Highlands and road walking to us. We then bushwhacked to the left through a piece of property along a tiny creek toward Locust Point where there were old buildings (26ab-27c). I'd wanted to go back to this location for a while and finally got to it. The first house was a mess, but we were easily able to get in an open window. The place was a wreck, a lot of water damage. Cupcake found a bunch of stuff he liked, and I found a bunch of old barbershop music magazines my grandfather would like.

Abandoned house

Abandoned house

Abandoned house
DJ Ray took a huge box of stuff out but ended up leaving it on the lawn because he did'nt feel like carrying it. Too bad. Amanda ended up with a great leather jacket I think it was (28-49). I found out later that a ranger from the county thought he recognized me going into the house stealing stuff, but there was no way of that because the barbershop books were in my pack. Still, it was unnerving.

Locust Point abandoned
We wandered out of there, followed the dirt road around old farm buildings and the huge house on Locust Point. It was a beautiful structure, but Cupcake and I, despite our efforts, could'nt find a way to get in (50-60).

Taking a break at Locust Point
We turned off the dirt road left to cross the Claypit Creek on Locust Ave (61-61ba) to Locust Point Road and went left. We stopped in an antique store there and talked to the owner, who's grandfather operated the Twin Lights. I'd talked to him on a hike before but the group had'nt the chance to meet him, so I made up for that this time. He even had an old postcard of his place from way back (62,63). We walked by a highway sign and got a reflection picture (64-64b) and then turned right heading up into Huber Woods Park. We took the Claypit Run, Valley View, and Fox Hollow Trails (65,66) to the visitor's center of Huber Woods where we stopped for a nice long break and met up with a newcomer, Karen Marie who was Amanda's roommate in college . We hung out for a bit at this place and a naturalist gave us a presentation on snakes (66a-70).

Amanda and Karen at Huber Woods visitor center
When we were on our way again we took Fox Hollow Trail (70a) to Browns Dock Road (71), a dirt road, turned right briefly and then left onto the Meadow Ramble Trail. All of these trails were very snowy, then hit Bowne Road and turned right (72).

Along Bowne Road, Middletown NJ area
We followed this a short distance to a left turn on Cooper Road and continued. It was a dirt road at first (73-77) but it soon became paved. It was still nice though, it skirted a golf course and had lots of large and unusual trees along it (78-81).

Along Cooper Road
We turned left off Cooper Road when we reached Bodman Park on the left. We cut through heading south, and Cupcake had his mom come and pick him and Karen up. I clutched onto him and hugged him, trying to get him to fall over in front of his mom (81a-81d). We then took to the roads and headed basically southwest toward the main part of Red Bank (81e-81f). I think we took Neversink River Road to Victoria Place. We were able to see the remnants of the former Red Bank Branch of the Central Railroad of NJ as we passed by where it crossed (82). We then followed Conover Lane to Rt 35 and used it to cross the bridge (83-83b). I was able to see this time by way of the utility line where the CNJ railroad once had it's bridge across the Navesink River (84,84a).
We continued into Red Bank, walking the streets to where we started. When we arrived back at the parking lot, we decided we were going to go out to dinner at a mexican place that came well recommended from someone, I forget who though. Bernie and Al decided to head home. I actually forget the name of the place at the moment too, which is strange because there were a couple of places in town with that same name. We hung out in Dunkin Donuts for a little bit, then Jack and Susie went home, while the rest of us all went out to dinner at this mexican place. Major Tom and I walked the distance to the place, but we first found the wrong one on the opposite side of the tracks. We also stopped at a liquor store so I would have somthing to drink at Steve's party (86). We wandered for a bit, and soon enough found it near the station (85). My buddy Kyle Zalinsky soon showed up to join us for dinner and goofing off. The food was great, and Connecticut Joe, such an awesome guy, picked up the tab for everyone!!!!!

Goofing off at the restaurant
All of the food was great, and Kyle and I had a good time wandering through the restaurants making dumb faces and wearing our napkins on our heads. we even walked right through their kitchen (87-95)!

Kyle and I being silly in the restaurant bathroom
When we were done eating, we walked south on Bridge Ave a short distance to Steve's house where the party was already going on (96-98). Karen showed up as well Carol Creamer and we hung out for a while.

Party at Moses Butterworth's
Kyle did a crazy dolphin inspired dance. Everyone stayed later than Major Tom and I who decided to head home a bit earlier.

At Steve's Red Bank Party!
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