Hike #473 3/14/10
3/14/10 Belvidere/Riverton Area Loop with "Action Adam" Stevens, Chris Kroschinski, and Jillane Becker

Along abandoned roads just north of Belvidere NJ
For my next hike, I think I had the day off for some reason, like a government holiday or something. Either way, I of course wanted to do a hike, and so I asked my old buddy Action Adam to join me.
The two of us headed to Belvidere NJ to wander around and explore a bit. We parked in town and I believe our first step was to walk into Pennsylvania on the Belvidere-Riverton Bridge. We crossed and then headed toward the Lower Mt. Bethel Township Park where I usually would use the connector trail to access the Tekening Preserve, but this time there was something new, a nice new visitor's center above the site. We went to check it out, but it was closed. There was, however, a map of some new trails in the area I took a picture of.
We headed out from the center onto the connector trail and then into the Tekening Preserve where we took the right fork through the farmlands and high above the river. Our friend Chris "Cupcake" Kroschinski was going to meet us at the other side of Tekening, and I believe he was there when we arrived, or if not he didn't take long.

Along connector trail heading south from Tekening Preserve near Riverton PA
From here, the new trails led parallel with Depue Ferrry Road, then crossed and paralleled Depue Road I guess shortly. I'd seen these trails for the first time during the previous Summer when I canoed Foul Rift. The trail then descended for a bit to a river, but it was flowing like crazy and we weren't going to be able to get across to get up the other side, so we had to turn back to Tekening.

No crossing here...
This time, we followed the trail closer to the river, of course the more scenic route.
We continued on to the Lower Mt Bethel connector trail down into the park which had tons of water held in a puddle in it. We walked from here across the Belvidere-Riverton Bridge yet again and to the area of Skoogy's Deli (but not the one I'd been visiting for years; they now had two locations in town, and this one was on the main street about a half mile from the bridge).
Here, my girlfriend Jillane met up with us to hike for a while. Our next step was to head up onto the former Belvidere and Delaware Railroad toward tne Hoffman LaRoche facility. We walked this track, which I hadn't walked in a few years, and came to where there was a tanker car parked on the left siding where I believe there'd often been one before.
Cupcake said he had a friend who knew how to release the brakes on these, and so he called him. Next thing we know, we hear a giant air noise as Cupcake released the air brakes! He then turned the wheel to release the manual brakes! I remember on hike #1 in 1997 Conrad had asked me how many people it would take to push a rail car if the brakes weren't on...so...the answer is three! The three of us pushed the rail car for a bit, and Cupcake pulled the brake again once we'd moved it a bit.

The rail car we pushed, Belvidere NJ
We had quite a laugh and contiued on. The tracks went into the fence at the plant ahead, so we turned to the left into the woods. Since the last time I walked this stretch there was a little fence installed. We ignored it and wandered on through. Everything seemed the same after we reached the abandoned system of roads parallel with the Delaware. We followed them to the left.

Abandoned roads in vicinity of what used to be Hercules in Belvidere NJ
When we got to the fork, usually I took the right and skirted another fence line to get back out to the ball fields in Belvidere, but this time we kept with the left fork. We came to where the paved road continued straight ahead but a more open one continued to left. I know there was once a regualr road through this area, and I assumed this must have been it. I once followed the road straight and go lost with my buddy Ron Short back in 2000, but we never went left.
We came to some old foundations, probably leftovers from the Hercules Powder Plant, and then came to some step ruins probably of a former farm house. A lime kiln was in the area as well, in very nice shape and covered with lovely moss.

Lime kiln on abandoned road north of Belvidere

Just north of Belvidere in the old Hercules area
Also, we found another old fire hydrant like I'd done on previous trips.
The road we were following turned out to be the one that we'd have come out on after following the edge of the fenceline had we followed the route closer to the river from the first fork. We came to the chain link fence we had to get though to get back into Belvidere, and I was very happy to see I could still squeeze through the tight fence posts as I'd done when I was twenty.
We walked backinto town, and Jillane admired some of the nice huge trees. When we reached Skoogy's Deli (the lower one) we stopped for a food break. Jillane and Action Adam cut out here, but Cupcake and I continued on. We crossed the trestle over the Pequest for the views, and then I believe we went through my grandfather's lot at some point.
We then made our way back across the river on the bridge and we walked the field section of the Tekening Preserve to get back to Cupcake's car.
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