Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Few Updates...

 Hello everyone!

We've been very active as always in so many ways, and maintaining the regular e mail list and blog list has sort of fallen by the wayside. 

Here, we had typically been using for hike postings that worked into an RSS Feed on but that is currently broken. Instead, we're probably going to use this to back up old hike journals because Facebook has done away with the "notes" function. We need to save this stuff and back it up somewhere, so it seems like this'll be the best place for it. Maybe while doing so, we'll get back to also posting some of the trips on here as well.
This is going to take a while, and unfortunately Facebook has seemed to lose some of the past journals. In those cases, they'll have to be rewritten so it'll be a long time before I catch up to current ones.
In the meantime, those of you wishing to join the hikes, keep your eyes on and www.facebook/com/metrotrails
