Hike #474 3/16/10
3/16/10 Dingman's Area Loop with Jillane Becker

Dingman's Falls PA
For this next hike, only Jillane and I went out to spend a day exploring.
We parked atthe northern end of the George W. Childs Recreation Site on the Pocono Rim near Dingman's Ferry. I hadn't led a hike to this point since probably 2003 and I'd been wanting to bring Jillane here for a while. This was also one of the next places to include in my series of Pocono Rim hikes. I'd already connected the area to the south, and I was anxious to explore more of the area to figure out where we would bring a larger group.
We started walking along the trail from the upper lot to the first falls, Factory Falls. We crossed a bridge above them and descended along the side of them.
The water was flowing strong and so the falls were particularly spectacular. We continued downstream and soon came to Fulmer Falls, which was incredible with such high water volume.
I'd never noticed how incredible it was from below looking through a curtain of rocks.
We continued down stream and soon came to Deer Leap Falls, another beautiful spot.
This was where the official trail turned back up the creek on the other side, but we'd continue off the official trail down stream.
We made our way to the next road, Milford Road, and crossed directly, then headed downstream continueing on the same side of the creek. I scouted ahead to see how far it was to the next road crossing, a road that was cut off as a dead end at the bridge site over the creek (there was still a bridge, but only a pedestrian one). Maps show this as Doodle Hollow Road. I then went back to Jillane who'd set up a picnic blanket with candles and wine and food. We had a romantic rites of Spring ceremony in the woods.
This was really special for me...Jillane brought eggs and on them we wrote resolutions for what to do to improve our lives, and then broke the eggs. It was one of the most romantic experiences of my entire life, matched only by some of the wonderful times we'd spend together in the future.

Broken love eggs
We continued from here to that next road, crossed the footbridge, and continued down the other side. It wasn't long before we came to the upper cascade of Dingman's Falls.
We made our way down to the upper deck of the official Dingman's Falls Trail. We then continued down from the top of the falls past another smaller falls along the wooden walkways.

Smaller unnamed falls at Dingman's Falls
Jillane was thoroughly impressed by the falls.

Dingman's Falls
There was no one else in the area, we had it pretty much to ourselfs save for one other older couple as I recall who took a picture for us at the base of the falls.

Dingman's falls
We continued from here along the boardwalks out to Silver Thread Falls, and along the trail which had some branches fallen over it, then onto Dingman's Falls Road which was blocked off this time of year still.
We passed some kids on the way out who were walking the road in. Jillane walked along the tops fo the guard rails holding onto me as we headed down the road.

Balancing at Dingman's Ferry PA
Along the way was an abandoned house I got into briefly, but we hurried along.

Abandoned house at Dingman's Ferry
Once we reached Rt 209 we went straight across on an abandoned looking paved road. We could see where the McDade Trail, still incomplete, went off into the woods to the right down stream along the Delaware.
To the left, it followed the curve in the road briefly and then turned away closer to Dingman's Creek. We followed this new section to a spot where it seemed like a bridge was going to be built, then we had to go back.
We headed out the road that goes to Dingman's Ferry Bridge back to Rt 209 and went right looking for the next new McDade Trail section.
There was a building on the right, and it seemed like some sort of path went down hill to the right. We followed it for a ways, but then it got really steep and the path seemed to completely disappear. Just above us was another somewhat fenced area, and I figured this was it, but it too disappeared. We couldn't find anything to say the trail was even being worked on in the area. Later I would find that if we'd walked a little further along the road we would have gotten to the next trail section.
When we didn't see anything we turned back and crossed Rt 209 to check out the old Dingman's Ferry cemetary. It's always great checking out old tomb stones.

Dingman's Ferry cemetery
We came back to the road that went up to Dingman's Falls, and there was the abandoned house on the north side of the road we'd passed before. This time we both took the time out to go in.

Abandoned house
In the room to the left Jillane found a really nice shirt.

Finding treasures

In the abandoned house
There was also some weird life guard outfit and random junk. In the upstairs, we found a lot of old pictures of the area and random little things. A group of kids were going by below and talked about going in. We could see them out the window, and one of them said "I Saw something move inside!!!". Of course they saw us, but we freaked them out so they didn't come in. I was a little freaked out as well, but none of them approached. I think we may have left some of the stuff we found by the house to pick up later.
We walked back up the closed road to an intersection; on the left was a road that was closed, only not to be reopened. This one, called Johnny Bee Road, ascended steeply out of the valley.
It was paved, but much of it had been covered over by moss and leaves.
Along the way, I could hear a good tributary, so I went off to the left to discover another small off trail waterfall.
Along the old road, I took a side trip to the right at another abandoned road site. It led me out to a clearing, like an old parking lot for something, right on top of the Pocono Rim. Very weird.

Weird hidden parking area on the Pocono Rim, Dingman's Ferry PA
The road came to a spot where it could be passable by vehicles, and there was a pond on the left side.

Open section of Johnny B. Road
We continued on the road and passed another abandoned road on the right, but we ignored it and instead continued to Milford Road and turned right.

Night walking along Milford Road
We followed the road for a long time; it was getting cold and we were tired, but we forced our way on. It seemed like forever walking this road section, down and across Dingman's Creek again where we'd crossed before. I'd originally planned on turning back along the creek, but it was now totally dark. There wasn't much of a shoulder on the road so we had to be careful. We were hungry and thirsty, and couldn't wait to find a place to eat and drink. Sadly, the places out at the next intersection were all closed.
We took a break and I was just about ready to run the rest of the way back to my car when a guy offered to drive us back to our car at the north end of the Childs Park. We were so happy to have that ride at the end!

Balancing at Dingman's Ferry PA

Abandoned house at Dingman's Ferry

Finding treasures

Dingman's Falls PA

Broken love eggs

Smaller unnamed falls at Dingman's Falls

Dingman's Falls

Dingman's falls

Dingman's Ferry cemetery

Abandoned house

In the abandoned house

Weird hidden parking area on the Pocono Rim, Dingman's Ferry PA

Open section of Johnny B. Road

Night walking along Milford Road
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