Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Hike #509; Belvidere/Riverton to Washington

 Hike #509 9/4/10

Group shot in Tekening Preserve

9/4/10 Belvidere/Riverton to Washington with Jillane Becker, Carol and Rob Creamer, Shep Glennon, Deb Rosenblatt, Jason Itell, Russ "Lord Byron" Rapp, Eric Pace, "DJ Ray" Cordts, Jim "Mr. Buckett" Mathews, Amanda Rosenblatt, Mr. Rosenblatt, Tom Lanterman, Jenna Leahy, Joe Tag, Chris Herbig, Evan "Joe Millionaire" Van Rossum, "Action Adam" Stevens, Conrad Blease, Teresa Montes, Jim Delotto, Shelly Janes, Amanda Murphy, Fred Hafele, Dave MacArthur,

Jillane and I have wonderful friends, friends no words can to justice to describe how wonderful they are. Following the fire, a charity hike was being organized to help us get back on our feet. We'd lost everything and now had outragious medical bills that even benefits wouldn't cover all of.

Everyone was trying to pull funds together, and Carol I believe made donation sheets.

They were trying to figure out a good hike to do as a fund raiser, and Jason was trying to scout out part of a great hike I'd once led from Slateford PA through the Delaware Water Gap, but I knew that hike would be far too difficult for general consumption. It wasn't known at the time of planning whether or not I'd even be able to hike at all by the time this date came (obviously I was at least okay since I'd done five long distance hikes already since the fire. I wasn't feeling great, but I was good). When I knew I could handle it, I took the reigns on the trip route and decided the easiest hike and most convenient  to do, since there were a lot of newcomers would be the Belvidere-Riverton to Washington one we'd already done once this year. The group we assembled for this hike matched the largest group I'd ever assembled for my hikes. I felt overwhelmed by the amount of love and support that came from all participants.

We met at Port Colden Mall and shuttled a few cars to Oxford for those leaving at 15 miles, and then headed to the beginning point, Del Haven, just south of Riverton PA.

Both Action Adam and I had screwy sounding voices, and he had to wear a hankercheif to protect his burned face from his accident fire breathing thing. Shelly was still hurting from her back problems and rode a bike the entire way. Despite the problems we had, I love that we still always would push ourselves to do more.

We started walking along the new connector trail out from the ball fields there and across Del Haven Road. I jokingly wore my tattered, burnt remains of my "HELBING 13" pink hiker shirt Carol made me for my previous birthday for a laugh.  We came out to the main road back toward Belvidere and paralleled, then turned away and headed down across the creek on concrete cylinders. We then came up the other side and out toward Depue Ferry Road which we crossed and paralleled. This took us to the main parking lot for Tekening Preserve of PP&L. We took a break here and then headed along the trail to the waterfront overlooking the Delaware above Foul Rift. Jillane and I got there further ahead of most everyone.

Everyone else slowly began to make their way down the trail to us. I would be willing to be there had never been so many people on that observation platform ever before.

Foul Rift overlooking in Tekening Preserve

We headed along the trail from here following the waterfront out to the new visitor's center by Lower Mt Bethel Twp Park. It again was not opened, but one of the restrooms was. I tried to run and do a somersault roll, but ended up hurting my back. I laid out on the pavement stretching for a while to get over the pain.

After our break we headed out across the Belvidere Riverton Bridge into the town of Belvidere. We walked down the main street and I ran into the liquor store and bought two more Four Locos (I already had one). We then walked over to Skoogy's Deli. The original Skoogy's was up the street next to the theatre, but this one was a second one by the same owners down along the street to the bridge. We had another long break here.

Somewhere along the way someone found this odd plastic pig. The first time I saw it was while we were hanging out here. For the entire rest of the day people were carrying the pig around and posing with it for pictures.

PIG! At Skoogy's Deli, Belvidere

In Belvidere having a break at the lower Skoogy's.

After our break we continued on, turning right onto Greenwich Street and crossing the Pequest River. We headed up hill past the original Skoogy's and Country Gate Theater. The doors were opened, and so I took the opportunity to go on in and say hello to some old friends. I saw some familiar faces, especially Gina Scurato who had now been acting as a director of shows and doing a great job for a long time. We chatted a little bit and I was off. I passed by Eric on the way and together the two of us turned right on 2nd Street to my grandfather's vacant lot and bushwhacked into the woods and the ruins of the old creamery.

Eric at the old creamery ruins on my grandfather's lot, Belvidere NJ

We continued out into the open area to the railroad tracks and went left, on the former Bel Del Railroad heading south. We soon caught up with the rest of the group. They all held back when they got to the former junction site with the south bound connector to the former Lehigh and Hudson River Railroad. We all turned left here and started following the east bound line with tracks still in for a bit.

We passed beneath an underpass and then past the two abandoned rail cars on the left that had never been moved, then continued past the tall open building with "I hate fun" spray painted in it. From there the rail bed entered a wooded area and soon crossed the Pophandusing Brook on an old tie bridge, then came to the somewhat obliterated area near the age restricted community that was put in around 2001. We followed the paths through here (which really closely follow the old rail bed, more than I realized after looking at areal images) and came out to Rt 624. Once everyone was together we hurried across and onto the rail bed on the other side. We continued through a line of trees and then through the beautiful open area heading toward Bridgeville. Just before getting to Bridgeville we came to the corn field that had overtaken the rail bed. It was much higher than the previous visit and we had to walk through the tall corn. We then emerged on Rt 519 and turned left under the old railroad bridge, and across the historic stone arch bridge of Bridgeville. We then walked up the road for a stop at the Bagelsmith. It was here we were joined by our friend Dave MacArthur.

After the break we continued through the Five Acres Flea Market and out onto Titman Ave in the back. We turned left on Titman and then some of us went across the Pequest at the site of the old Edison Road Bridge. The rest went up the road past Hot Dog Johnny's and then got on the rail bed by way of an ATV path through a field. Those of us who crossed went by a huge forest with an ivy floor, then past the old farm site and over the Pequest again on a deck girder bridge. It was right after this the two groups rejoined and we headed out to Mill Street in Buttsville. Some of the group fell behind petting the horses along the right of way.  We crossed directly through a yard and came back out to the road next to the old truss bridge for the road. I don't remember if it was shut down at the time, but soon this bridge would be close, and I don't know it if was reopened.

From here we got on a fill along the Pequest River and we were now on official Pequest WMA trail. We followed the rail bed on under Rt 31, then across the through girder bridge beneath the former Lackawanna's Pequest Viaduct. We continued from here through nice woods along the river out to Pequest and another through girder bridge that had been redecked and took a break.

After a bit, we recrossed the bridge and ascended via ATV trail through some of the old Pequest Furnace site and up to the former Furnace Railroad right of way. We took that back to the Lackawanna line and then turned left on it through the nice Pequest Cut. We then continued out to Pequest Road and onto the paved trail section to Lower Denmark Road in Oxford.

After our walk on Lower Denmark Road, we headed over to the Busy Bee in Oxford and the parking lot for the Oxford Central School where many in the group had left their cars.

Taking a break at Oxford Central School

I can't remember who all cut out early, or who went through the Oxford Tunnel with me, but I know we went. I have a feeling Jillane and Action Adam, probably Amanda went through. Actually I think Kumpas and Amanda too....Maybe one of them can refresh my swiss cheese memory. I actually don't remember walking through the tunnel at all this time, but there are pictures so we did.

I don't really remember going to Washington either, except maybe a brief conversation with Jason about cutting a corner on the highway that wouldn't work out because it was pretty much the same distance and no walking room along the highway.

The group at the end

We finished this hike at my favorite pizza place, Dicola's in Washington. We all had great food and laughs to close another great hike.

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