I trust we are surviving the Winter quite well...so far we've done alright, keeping with great hikes and having a lot of newcomers join in!

I feel that this year again, we've had greater attendance during Winter months than ever before, which is amazing considering this improvement last year!
We have several things coming up I'd like to share with everyone, after which we will have oru schedule for the remainder of February...

We had a great combined effort with the Freewalkers, Shorewalkers, and other groups on one of our NJ Perimeter hikes, and found them to be the best affiliated groups we've ever partnered with for a hike!
They were not all fans of the sort of plan as we go attitude that we often have on these hikes (we do not scout hikes ahead of time, explore as we go), and the fact that we don't often hand out maps any more ahead of time were differences not everyone liked, but overall I had a fantastic time talking to members of the groups.
While on that topic, I'd like to clarify why I stopped handing out maps to people:
I've had issues with people trying to find their own route, arranging for what they believe to be "shortcuts" based on maps, and much of the group trust and follow them. These insisted mutinies by members of groups have gotten them in trouble positions which need to be avoided. If someone needs an early out, we can help to arrange for that. On one occasion, a hiker insisted on following a parallel road shown on a map, despite my pleas not to, and in the middle of winter had to wade across a body of water to re-join the group. Too many times being questioned by the groups and having dangerous split ups have forced me to stop the practice of handing out maps in some instances.

The Perimeter of NJ hike series is on it's home stretch!!!
We've had absolutely wonderful participation on the remaining hikes. There are only about five more full hikes in the Delaware Bay area, and three on the Lower Delaware area! There are no more than nine full section hikes, then several more that only a portion of the day hike will be NJ Perimeter.
We will return to South Jersey for a number of hikes this Summer which will include some areas we've already been, filling in gaps we missed, but the hikes will be more interesting in that they will not be only NJ Perimeter. We still plan to complete the NJ Perimeter by the end of 2015. We've gotten some good press here (most different articles use the same photo):
And here...
And through Rails to Trails:
We've also had past articles like this:
So obviously things are going very well with regard to the Perimeter hikes!

In terms of our trail work and planning, Matt Davis and I are back at the top with Warren County as well...I'm Chairman of the Board of Rec for another year, and Matt is Vice Chair. We're making a lot of great things happen in Warren with new trail development and planning.
While we're dealing with political issues with the Warren Highlands Trail, we have focused efforts on the Morris Canal Greenway at Port Murray Preserve, and cut back much brush on the new towpath trail section, as well as created a new footpath which circumvents a piece of private land!

We will be planning a grand opening in the Autumn for the preserve, which promises to be something spectacular. This is absolutely one of the nicest canal trail sections in the state of NJ.
We just had a State Trails Committee Meeting down in Assunpink where I agreed to ask all of you which GPS programs all of you use to track the trails we hike.
We need to figure out a good plan for a future app for NJ's trails. As everyone knows, I am personally not a big fan of any of the apps, and so let's hear from all of you what you think works best! E mail me at sneezehorse@hotmail.com
We want to see more production of Driving Jersey, the show on PBS which we were showcased on this past year! There's footage for more episodes, and we'd love to do more with them and see more...but PBS and NJTV will need to hear it!
Take a few moments and send in your comments on the show here:
Our contacts with our friends in Ulster County NJ and constant commentary on the Catskill Mountain Railroad, former Ulster and Delaware Corridor which were the subject of several of our 2014 hikes has paid off at least to a degree! Ulster Exec Mike Hein has agreed to allow the rails to stay in place at least for the first section from Kingston to Hurley Mountain. There is no denying the economic value the tourist rail line has to Ulster, and more importantly, it keeps history alive.
What would we like to see happen?
The tracks should be left in on the entire corridor. A rail with trail use is the best option, because we cannot support destruction of existing sustainable public transportation infrastructure.
I have continued to post suggestions and photos to their local papers and Facebook Pages. Still, they remove my respectful posts and suggestions and close comment periods when good and valid points are brought up. Most recently, Ulster County Trails Advisory Committee's page posted that they are not an official government page, contradicting the name of the page itself. When I remarked that this was a contradictory statement, that a government official acknowledging themselves as such and attempting to sway public perception through sensorship is illegal; then that I'd like to see a rail with trail plan, and shared a concept, I asked not to be blocked. My photo comment was deleted within thirty seconds. They placed a comment that reads "A rule, unless consistently applied, is not a rule". The same group told me it was a "rule" that these rail trails must be eight feet wide. I continued to post photos of narrower rail trails and quoted Ulster County Trails Advisory Committee directly regarding the rule. I have now been approached by a television reporter wishing to do a piece on the controversial trail issue.
You can see the post they made and discussion on the All Aboard for Ashokan Page on Facebook. I urge everyone to look at this page.
As a trail advocate, I find it embarrassing that those who might be my comrades would be so insistent on destroying this infrastructure in favor of a single use, and in such a way that it will basically be another highway. I find it more embarrassing that they need to try to sway public perception by deletion of perfectly respectful suggestions on public forums.
We appreciate that the Rails To Trails Conservancy Page does not edit contrary opinions to rail trail development. There is no denying absolute benefit of these multi use paths, and were the basis of the earliest Metrotrails events.
We only hope that continued development is not at the cost of existing, useful trail infrastructure like what is going on with the two lines in NY state. Government officials are deleting comments, telling lies, and attempting to sway public opinion through controlled social media perception.
Although it is not the fault of RTC, the negative press due to the actions of Ulster County politicians is negatively effecting public perception of the rails to trails movement. We would like to see a rail with trail plan in Ulster County, and we hope Rails to Trails Conservancy can take a stance, or at least let public know RTC is not out to destroy existing rail lines in favor of trails only.
Finally, let's move on to schedule of hikes!!!
Mon 2/16: Pochuck Mountain to Franklin, meet at Franklin Shop Rite, 8:30 to snow trudge!
Tues 2/17: Metrotrails monthly meeting at Townsquare Diner, Wharton NJ 6 pm
Fri 2/20: To Be announced night hike, 3:45 pm
Sun 2/22: Newport to Dix WMA NJ NJ Perimeter, meeting at Dix WMA 8:30.
Fri 2/27: To be announced night hike
Sun 3/1: Harrisburg to Royalton area. Meet 8:30 at Swatara Creek/Susquehanna Riv.
Fri 3/6: Spruce Run Turnpike Night Hike; meet at Shop Rite in Clinton NJ 3:45 pm
Sun 3/8: Pennington to Trenton, meeting at Old Warf, Trenton, 8:30 am.
Sun 3/15: Delaware River; Beverly North, meet 8:30, Beverly light rail station.
Sat 3/21: 18 Year Anniversary Warren Railroad hike, details to come!
Hope everyone can join us very soon!
M'ke Helbing
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