46 and Pequest Road, next to the bridge over the river.
We will meet at 4 pm at the Townsbury lot for the LHR rail trail, which is located a short distance along Pequest Road from Rt 46, where the road crosses the river.
The roughly 15 mile loop will follow the old railroad right of way, which can be somewhat overgrown at times, and other times clear, toward Alphano. It will involve a bit of road walking to get around badly overgrown sections at times. We'll have two opportunities to stop at little stores along the way, near the beginning and end.
We'll also be passing along the trails of the Strawberry Hill Preserve, as well as the Old Farm Sanctuary with the fantastic valley view pictured here. We'll have to follow a few back roads and small parks on the way back.
This hike will be finishing after dark, so participants may want to bring a flashlight. We may also take a dip in the Pequest River.
I plan to go rain or shine. Be prepared for everything! Contact me if you have questions 908 343 8374
Metrotrails regular Brandan Jermyn has offered to step up and take the lead for the first time on the regular Sunday hike!
Since starting off on our crazy hikes at the beginning of December 2012, Brandan has become a popular mainstay within the group, known for his engaging personality which helps to keep people talking and enjoying the day even in the most boring sections of hikes.
The hike will be a point to point but circuitous route including the Point Mountain Reservation for many miles, pleasant backroads, and old rail lines between Point Mountain and Washington.
Meet at Port Colden Mall, 404 East Washington Avenue, Washington NJ at 9 am Sunday morning. Once there, a car shuttle will be arranged where the fewest cars possible can head to the Point Mountain Reservation. The hike will follow it's trail system past scenic overlooks, lovely fields, amazing riversides, and more, then the back roads and old rail lines back to Washington.
Brandan can be reached by cell at 908 619 7565
With the official arrival of the swimming season, each hike will be required to have spots to swim! Although the Memorial Day weekend is filled with work for me, I have off Tuesday, and so will be hosting a hike then.
This will be a loop that includes Long Mountain, Stockbridge Mountain, Letterock Mountain, Turkey Hill Lake, Cave Shelter, Lake Nawahunta, Silver Mine Lake, and many old trails and woods roads! We will be visiting the Torrey Memorial on the Long Path on Long Mountain, and a couple of other spots. The route will be both foot path and woods road sections, which shouldn't be as difficult as some past Harriman hikes. I hope to do a couple of out and back exploratory sections, where people will have time to take a break if they don't want to continue to those spots. Total mileage for everything should be about 15. It shouldn't be nearly as tough as some of the other Harriman hikes we've done recently, but still some challenging terrain.
Anthony Wayne Recreation Area is off to the right side on Palisades Interstate Parkway northbound, a short distance after the book store in the center.
There are no food stops along this hike, so everyone should bring a lunch or snack as well as plenty of water.
On Sunday, June 2nd I will be hosting the next hike in the Pocono Rim series, once again starting in Milford PA. This will be a more difficult one than the previous Pocono Rim hikes, so please plan accordingly for bushwhacking, walking through water, etc.
The following Sunday, June 9th, I again will not be hosting a public hike, as I will be spending time with Jillane for her birthday. If anyone would like to step us as leader for that Sunday, I will consider proposals!
As a final statement, I want to state that the mission of Metrotrails is for everyone. It doesn't always have to be my vision, everyone can own it and it can take on many forms, whether it be the resource library and website, outreach and promotion, or the hikes. I have a personal mission to walk the fine line between professionalism and craziness. On one hand, I can chair a county recreation board or other like entities, present and promote public open space as in a stereotypically mature fashion, but on the other continue to be the outlandish Peter Pan figure, indulging in reckless silliness. It's seemed to have worked so far, but sometimes we have serious problems that must be dealt with, and I must put on the serious face again.
Lately I am caught up in a whirl wind of gossip, insults, and threats that are the extreme opposite of what I intend for this group to be. Naturally, I have always found myself unfortunately involved as the figurehead of this organization whenever drama occurs.
When a conflict escalates, no one is innocent. With the recent problems, almost everyone could have done something better to alleviate the problems. I am proud to say that most have come forward and apologized, and show a great dedication to the mending of hurt feelings, but some do not take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Now that it's gotten to the point where those close to me who are innocent and outside of all of this childishness have become venting targets, and private information is continually shared despite my demanding it stop at once.
We have something very special with this group, and it WILL NOT end. The positive still outweighs the negative, and the balance will continue to shift more positively. However:
1. I have never had to formally "ban" anyone from Metrotrails. However, when someone says to stop talking or gossiping about them, STOP IT. Don't just go to the next person. Several are guilty of this. Everything always gets back to me eventually.
2. Back in AMC, certain topics were taboo, and not allowed to be spoken of such as politics and religion. With Metrotrails however, I encourage it. I am very proud of the fact that very intelligent and respectful conversations are had with no feelings hurt. Although I encourage openness in all conversation, if someone is uncomfortable with something, or says they don't want to be involved, leave them out of it. Don't ever insult someone for wanting privacy. Such is a cancer to our positive community, and I will not hesitate make the cuts.
3. Never threaten anyone. As a result of this childishness, police and lawyer involvement was threatened, and no laws were even broken. Threats will lead to other threats will lead to Metrotrails not even being worth it any more. If anyone EVER threatens legal ramifications for childish nonsense again, I will ban users for the first time. Those who are demanding apologies are the ones who need most to offer them. By defending a close friend, I lost another, and a negative chain of events has ensued.
I have done what I feel is best. With Metrotrails, we have something very special that we need to nurture. This is NOT like other hiking groups, and it's not JUST a hiking group. This is like an extended family, taking extended hikes and experiencing more, building more together than any other group offers. Organizing these activities for such a diverse and overall positive group of people has been a dream come true. If anyone becomes a threat to the lifestyle I've come to know and share with those I care for, they will have to be removed to the equation altogether.
I've already said more than I want to say, and in ways it still doesn't seem like enough.
I think already things have begun to improve quite a lot. If anyone continues to harbor any resentment, either let it go or learn to recognize that the best revenge is living well. Let's get back to experiencing life by foot as I originally intended.
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