Hello everyone

For this, the last Ridge and Valley Vicinity hike during my time of
residence at White Lake, we have something really great in store.
The hike will be a point to point following the northern fork of the
Ridge and Valley Trail, as well as the Appalachian Trail and Coventry
Pond Trail, with a little bit of off trail stuff. There will also be a
bit of back road walking in Hardwick Township.
We are very fortunate that Metrotrails has been offered an exclusive
tour of Millbrook Village by the President of the non profit, Wilson
Bullivant. Mr. Bullivant is working to bring other volunteers to relate
the history of Millbrook for us during this fantastic trip.
I am asking that all participants please make a modest donation to
the Millbrook cause (maybe $5) to help preserve these historically
significant buildings, and to show our thanks for being offered this
amazing tour.
Because we will be taking a good amount of time to do this tour,
participants should expect the hike to run later than many of the hikes
tend to run.
If anyone wants to join for the tour alone, that is fine as well. Early out options may also be possible.
After leaving NPS property, we will hike through the Blair Creek
Preserve and pass long abandoned old scout buildings, then follow the
Blair Creek through a wide valley. There are unmarked trails in the
area, and we'll do some stuff that is off trail completely. After a road
walk section, we'll follow the Ridge and Valley Trail south through
White Lake Wildlife Management Area back to the lake to finish off the
Join me to make one last great memory at White Lake before I say
goodbye, and leave it in the hands of the hoodlums and vandals who may
very well end up wrecking it after I leave.
Better days are coming; there are more amazing places to experience,
and we will visit White Lake again in the future. Let's hope apathy does
not reign over this amazing place for too long.
Sunday, Meeting time is 9 am at the White Lake Natural Resource Area
parking lot, along Rt 521 a bit north of Blairstown. There is a white
fence around the parking lot, and it's across the street from an old
stone farm house called the Vass House. The parking lot near the barn is
not the one; it may be confusing because since the last hike up here
there has been a new white fence installed around that parking lot as
Further, as I stated, I am currently in the process
of moving, and anyone who is able to help with stuff (many of you have
offered, thank you, and it's coming to that time) it is appreciated.
Over the past two weeks I had a concussion from a tree falling on my
head, then sprained my ankle. I'm okay to walk on it, but the doctor
won't clear me to go back to work for a week. Jillane and I have to have
all of our stuff out by the 20th.
If I'm not well enough
by Sunday I could have a co leader do the difficult section for me, or I
might change the route slightly. We will see.
Following the
move, the next hike will be Sunday the 24th, and it will be the entire
Wissahickon Green Ribbon Trail, a roughly 21 mile undertaking! It's a
fantastic route between Upper Gwynedd PA and the Manayunk section of
Philadelphia. This summer is going to be some of the best hikes yet!